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I have been involved in sport since I was young, it has been my passion, my hobby and nowadays it’s my professional career.


Personal circumstances made me stay away from sport and I put on weight (from 65kg , 9.7stones to 120 kg / 18.8 stones). Now, I’m feeling proud of having loss weight (50 kg / 7.8 stones), but also well pleased with the job that I am doing now, helping people to be better and happier.


"You only fail when you stop trying"


With me you can find someone who is going to motivate you to get the best of you. I will make sure you complete and succeed your goals; you will get what you really need.


I know how to do it, I guarantee it.

Daniela caicedo


Thinking about changing your lifestyle could be a challenge. I am here to understand, guide, and motivate you through this journey. Weight loss, tone up, and other aspects of training can be difficult, but never impossible.


I put on weight without realizing, like any other person. Working out hard and mastering my training skills I lost 20 kg / 3.1 stones in a record time.


"The only bad workout is the one that didn't happen"


Training with me you will see someone that is going to do whatever it takes to get your results, I will get the best of you at any time, I guarantee that the targets are met.


I can get you to succeed.

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