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Online personal training



professional fitness COACHES




Fat down 5.8 kg. in 1o Weeks

I was always intimidated by personal trainers; I felt like they wouldn’t take me seriously as a client, given my low levels of fitness and coordination. A health scare made me realise it was time to start taking proper care of myself, and I picked up Daniela’s card because she was smiling in her photo. From our very first meeting she took my goals - increased fitness being my aim rather than weight loss - seriously, and that inspired me to change my attitude about exercise. She’s been a fantastic trainer for me - she’s always correcting my form in a very positive way which I find incredibly helpful, and she’s genuinely proud when we both notice improvements. She’s very kind and patient, not to mention highly skilled, and I’d recommend her to anyone, particularly people lacking in confidence. My lifelong dread of exercise is gone and I really look forward to our sessions.

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Fat down 8% and toned up!
Amazing training from a really professional and caring personal trainer. I'm so satisfied with my results as I've lost fat percentage and I've learned so much  about exercises, postures and nutrition.
My training has not only helped me to reach my physical goals but also to get to know my limits.
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Cut down as I wanted!
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Wellness Mindset  and Toning
I've always been trying to get motivation to start training and reach my goals, and I always found it difficult, until I met my personal trainer. He helped me a lot through this process, especially with my motivation issues.
I lost 10% of body fat and I'm really happy with my results. Starting my training with him helped me mentally as during training is not only lifting but also a good talking about life and how to overcome common personal problems.
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Fat down & Muscles up!
I have to thank CFZ for always pushing me when I was ready to give up. My six months transformations photos tells my story, I was not sure what working out could be with a personal trainer and I have to say it was amazing.
Great training, fantastic technique, very strict. A lot of effort from me, pain, muscle soreness, commitment etc.. Yes I did it.! Thanks for all!!!
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Forms, Techniques, Muslce up
My Transformation was the best
Fat down 13% - Muscles up 4kg 
Fantastic training from a fantastic personal trainer, Excellent personalised nutritional advice as well. Daniella's great at explaining how to do things the correct way and keeping me right. I really look forward to her session.

Dan's extremely helpful and lets not forget encouraging and motivating, but the best part of all is that she's genuinely cared about her clients!. 
Recovered from Back Pain
I did my  training with Cadifitzone approximately 3 moths ago and I have to say that I'm really happy with them, because of the training and nutrition advice they provide. I liked the way they treated me and made me feel comfortable.
We did a routine based on my physical capacities and on areas that I wanted to be more focused on. The outcome of this training is really noticeable and satisfactory, I really recommend them!!
Toned up crazy & Muscles up
I’m really happy with the training!! Amazing results and service that Cadifitzone provided me.
I got a personal trainer because I wanted to get a bit stronger and fitter for my holidays.
I didn’t realized how much stronger my legs could be until I started.
This training helped me meeting my goals in only 3 weeks and to understand that there’s not limits!!


London, United Kingdom



Tel: +44 7735 974034

Tel: +44 7463 244412


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